The California Afterschool Advocacy Alliance (CA3)
is the statewide voice for expanded learning programs.

Our coalition represents the interests of the children, youth, and their families who rely on
publicly funded expanded learning (afterschool and summer) programs throughout California,
as well as the vibrant and dynamic workforce that makes these programs so special.


Webinar: May 22 10-11am

Join us for an overview of the Governor’s updated budget proposal (May Revise) and its potential impact on the students, families, and staff of expanded learning.

California Afterschool & Summer Challenge Resources

Talking points, fact sheets, and more

Governor Newsom Prioritizes Expanded Learning Despite a Challenging Fiscal Year

Read CA3’s response to California’s proposed 2024-25 state budget.

Why Advocacy Matters

When expanded learning stakeholders–providers, intermediaries, parents, and school districts–link arms and speak with one voice for the expanded learning field, we secure huge victories like we did this year. Listen to CA3 members tell you themselves why advocacy is so important and why they joined CA3.

AB 1113: Update On Funding for Older Youth and ELO-P Data Collection

Thank you to all of our partners and supporters who helped spread the word about the need for AB 1113. The bill we co-sponsored, authored by Assemblymember McCarty, passed both the CA Senate Education Committee and the Senate Appropriations Committee, proving that our calls, tweets, and testimonies helped to build substantial support for the bill. 

As the legislative session ends, AB 1113 has been tabled. However, Assemblymember McCarty and Governor Newsom have positively committed to collaborating in the fall on a budget proposal to include data collection in the next legislative session. CA3 remains committed to raising awareness about the need for enhanced funding to serve older youth. Read Partnership for Children and Youth’s latest brief: Expanded Learning Opportunities Program: Preliminary Provider Data Collection Findings and Recommendations, and stay tuned for a new brief with compelling evidence on the benefits of expanded learning for middle and high school students.

What Is AB 1113?

AB 1113 by Assemblymember McCarty would have provided more middle and high school students with enriching afterschool and summer programs by prioritizing some of the existing state and federal funding for expanded learning for older students.

This bill would have also required the Department of Education to collect data on student enrollment in expanded learning programs, so we can ensure funds are reaching students who need them most and the state better understands the impact of this program.

Status: AB 1113 is inactive.

Read our letter of support to the Senate Appropriations Committee for more information

Watch Educare's Crystal Melendez’s testimony in support of expanded learning programs for high school youth.

Watch former student and current staff member at McClatchy High School in Sacramento Shamim Bayat’s testimony about the importance of expanded learning programs for older youth.


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